KKE party

Athens mayor tells political parties ‘no one above the law’ for littering

The fines imposed on political parties for illegal poster pollution not only concern one party, nor are they driven by a money collection logic, Athens Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis told Skai on Tuesday, commenting on the reactions of the communist KKE party to the penalty it received from the municipality.

Latest poll: ND leads SYRIZA by 13%

Major opposition party New Democracy (ND) holds a 13% point lead over ruling leftist party SYRIZA in the latest poll conducted by the University of Macedonia (PAMAK). The results aired on Skai TV’s Monday night main news bulletin, showed that 30.5% of those asked preferred ND, compared to 17.5% who said they liked SYRIZA.

Parliament approves fast-track procedures 3rd bailout deal measures

A majority of Parliament MPs on Wednesday approved asecond package of prior actions, linked with a third bailout, via an emergency procedure. The ruling Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA), junior coalition rightist Independent Greeks (ANEL), main coalition New Democracy, centrist Potami and socialist PASOK party voted in favor.