Kosovo Liberation Army

In Serbia, Cooperation with Kosovo Scientists Can Bring Threats of Violence

Next to Loncar's face was the emblem of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an ethnic Albanian guerrilla army that fought Serbian security forces in the late 1990s to end a decade of repression in Kosovo under then strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

Serbian tabloids had already accused the faculty of effectively recognising Kosovo, but Loncar, 37, said the posters left her "honestly shocked."

Prosecution Case in Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas’ Trial ‘Could Take Six Years’

The prosecution's presentation of evidence in the case against former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and three other former senior Kosovo Liberation Army, KA guerrillas at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague could go on for six-and-a-half years, presiding judge Charles Smith III told a case status conference at the court on Monday.

Kosovo Seeks Extradition of War Crimes Defendants from Serbia

Kosovo's Justice Minister Albulena Haxhiu said on Sunday that she has written to her Serbian counterpart Maja Popovic asking for Nezir Mehmetaj and Petrit Dula, who have both been charged with war crimes by Serbia, to be sent back to Kosovo, despite the lack of legal cooperation between the two countries.

Hague Court Publishes Details of Hashim Thaci’s Alleged War Crimes

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague has published a less redacted version of the indictment of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, who goes on trial with three other Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA ex-officers next month, giving more details of the war crimes and crimes against humanity charges against them.

Kosovo Miners’ Underground Strike of 1989 Inspires Exhibition

An exhibition opening on Wednesday evening at the National Museum of Kosovo presents pictures and interviews with mineworkers from the Trepca mining complex in northern Kosovo who staged a historic underground strike in 1989 against the revocation of Kosovo's autonomy by the Serbian authorities.

Serbian Police Ex-Commander Wanted in Kosovo for War Crimes

Special prosecutor Ilir Morina told BIRN Kosovo's 'Kallxo Pernime' TV programme on Wednesday evening that the former commander of Serbian police special forces, Goran 'Guri' Radosavljevic, is one of the suspects wanted for the Recak/Racak massacre on January 15, 1999.

"As far as the Kosovo state prosecution knows, he is in Serbia," Morina said.

Albania PM to Submit Resolution in Strasbourg Against Marty Report

During a joint meeting on Monday in Pristina between the governments of Kosovo and Albania, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that he will personally submit a report to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg being prepared in Albania's parliament querying the Dick Marty report and what he alleged was its Russian influence.
