Ministry of Defense

One of the Largest International Military Exercises have Started in Thailand

The international military maneuvers "Cobra Gold" are taking place on the territory of Thailand, they are considered one of the largest in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 11,000 troops from 29 countries will participate in the exercises, the Ministry of Defense announced in the kingdom on Tuesday.

US denied Serbian army chief visa

Serbian Army Chief General Ljubisa Dikovic was not issued an American visa back in October, despite the timely submission of an application.

The N1 broadcaster said it was told this by the Ministry of Defense (MoD), which stressed that the American side is expected to provide an official explanation of the reasons, and the current status of the application.

Russian Bases in Syria Attacked by 13 Drones

Russia said that fighters have used unmanned airplanes against its military base Hymeim and its naval base Tartus in Syria. The defense ministry announced that attacks on Saturday night were successfully stopped by Russian troops and did not cause casualties or destruction. They used 13 armed unmanned aircrafts, TASS reported.

Government approves bonuses for security sector employees

They include the Serbian Army, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of the Interior (MUP), and the Security Information Agency (BIA).

The decision on payment of bonuses in the amount of RSD 10,000 was made due to the fiscal consolidation measures that the government of Serbia implemented in the previous three years, the government announced on its website.

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Fire from Yesterday has Completely Destroyed a Building of the Burgas Gendarmerie (Picture)

The yesterday's fire has completely destroyed the building of the Burgas gendarmerie in the district of "Izgrev". It is not yet clear what caused the fire. The building has an area of 700 sq. M. and there are a lot of trees in the area. The buildings are one storey and can hardly be seen from the trees. The damage is huge and the debris has to be eroded.
