Russian Bases in Syria Attacked by 13 Drones

Russia said that fighters have used unmanned airplanes against its military base Hymeim and its naval base Tartus in Syria. The defense ministry announced that attacks on Saturday night were successfully stopped by Russian troops and did not cause casualties or destruction. They used 13 armed unmanned aircrafts, TASS reported.

The Russian troops were able to catch six unmanned aircraft and seven were destroyed by the air defense. According to the Ministry of Defense, the means used in the attacks could only be obtained from developed countries with high technology capabilities.

Last night, in the Syrian city of Idljub, unknown faces triggered an explosive-filled car outside the Aldan al-Caucasus building. It housed the headquarters and barracks of the islamists. As blogger QalaatAlMudiq reported, the six-story building was partially demolished. More than 30 terrorists have been killed, dozens injured. The blast triggered chaos and shooting in this residential area of ​​the city, where the moderate opposition and Syrian al-Qaeda (Hait Tahrir al-Sham) coexist. It was the latter that organized the blast, says SMMSyria. In this way, the extremists were punished that they are not involved in the fighting against the government army in Idlib. In October 2017, the Chechen jihadists from Ağnad al-Caucasus declared the cease-fire in Syria and neutrality in the Tahrir al-Sham and Ahmar ar-Sham.

"In this war there are many groups with their own goals and policy. Our jamaat consists mainly of muhajiri and we must take careful policy to prevent the enemies of Islam from confusion between the different mujahideen and ordinary Muslims or to give cause for the infidelity of the infidels, "the message said. Leader of the Azenad al-Caucasus group is Abdullah Hakim...

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