Ministry of Health

Romania's novel coronavirus testing strategy might change

Senior official with Romania's Ministry of Health Horatiu Moldovan said on Tuesday that there is talk of changing the country's COVID-19 testing strategy, given that in two weeks' time there could be more than 7,000 tests per day. He said that an increase in the number of tests for the frontline doctors and dialysis patients is being considered.

685 COVID-19 Infected in Bulgaria

685 are the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Bulgaria according to data from the National Operational Headquarters. To date, 9 new cases have been reborted, with 5 in Sofia and 4 in Stara Zagora. The laboratories continue to work, the Ministry of Health reported.

There are 384 infected men and 301 women.

Pharmacies in Istanbul to Distribute Masks Free of Charge

The Istanbul Pharmaceutical Association and the Turkish Ministry of Health have decided to give away masks to Istanbul citizens for free.

According to Turkey's Haberler website, citizens will be able to recieve medical masks form the pharmacies after they show their personal code which they will receive via SMS message.
