North Atlantic Treaty Organization

US Senate Committee Backs Montenegro's NATO Bid

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution on Wednesday supporting Montenegro's accession to NATO, in a second attempt to push the Balkan's country membership bid.

The committee passed a resolution in December 2016, but the full Senate did not reach consensus on Montenegro before the end of the year.

Defiant Bosnian Serbs Celebrate Banned 'National Day'

Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik used the occasion of the biggest-ever celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska, which went ahead on Monday in defiance of a ban by Bosnia's Constitutional Court, to demand greater autonomy for the entity.

The Republika Srpska leader suggested further that unless this were granted, the entity would not remain a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Toward a new deal with Trump?

With Donald Trump assuming his mantle on Jan. 20, Turkey is hoping to open a new page with Washington. Until then, Ankara is working to raise the stakes for a better deal with the new administration. That is why the age-old threat of closing the İncirlik Air Base has re-emerged once more last week. 
