Romania Union

USR's Barna: Snap polls, a neccessary political step

USR (Save Romania Union) leader Dan Barna on Monday reiterated his support for the organisation of snap polls, and also for the election of mayors in two rounds. "The USR-PLUS (Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance remains consistent in the message that it has kept sending for the past two years: that Romania needs to elect its mayors in two rounds.

USR's Deputy Ungureanu files complaint in the case of the burnt patient at Floreasca Hospital

USR (Save Romania Union) MP Emanuel Ungureanu on Monday morning went to the General Prosecutor's Office to file a complaint in which he asks the prosecutors to investigate the medical staff involved in the case of the patient who suffered burnings on the operating table at the Bucharest Emergency Hospital Floreasca, for committing the crimes of deceiving another, forgery, use of forgery.

Barna, after meeting PM: Important victory, prorogation of special pensions for mayors by one year

Save Romania Union (USR) proposed more than 60 amendments to the law on the state budget for 2020, among which one referring to the postponement of the application of the law on introducing special pensions for mayors, the head of this political party, Dan Barna, made the announcement on Monday.

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: I will get involved in creating new majority

President Klaus Iohannis has announced on Sunday evening that he will be involved in creating a new parliamentary majority. "Now, after this victory, there are many things to do, there are many things to repair. I will get involved in creating a new majority, a majority composed of the democratic parties that will lead Romania to modernization, to Europeanization, to normal Romania.

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: I had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that in the beginning of his mandate he had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey, pointing to the Pact to allot 2 percent of the GDP to Defence and the Sibiu Summit. "I have had a few achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey for years and years.

PLUS's Ciolos: 88pct of the PLUS members want to continue alliance with USR

Following an internal consultation, most of the members of the PLUS (Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity) want to continue alliance with the USR (Save Romania Union), along with more coherence and clarity, on Sunday said in western Cluj-Napoca the PLUS Chair, Dacian Ciolos.

#2019PresidentialElection/ Iohannis: I am counting on votes of USR-PLUS, PMP but also UDMR voters

The National Liberal Party (PNL)'s candidate in the presidential elections, Klaus Iohannis, the incumbent president, has stated on Friday that in the second round of the presidential elections he is counting on the votes of the PNL, Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party Alliance (USR PLUS Alliance) and People's Movement Party (PMP) voters, but desires to obtain votes also fro

#2019PresidentialElection/ Ciolos: After 2-3 years in the street people understood that their vote counts

After 2-3 years of taking to the streets, people understood that their vote does count, the massive turnout in the first part of the day showing that the part of our society wanting the modernisation of Romania is making itself heard and it becomes efficient through vote, the PLUS (Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) leader Dacian Ciolos said in Brasov on Sunday.

#2019PresidentialElection/ Dan Barna: This is a vote for the future, I am very optimistic about the result

USR leader Dan Barna, the candidate of the USR-PLUS (Save Romania Union - Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance in the presidential elections, stated he voted for a change and that he is very optimistic about the result. "I have voted today for a change, for a Romania that will start changing right now, and not five years or ten years from now.
