Social Democratic Party of Serbia

Govt, opposition parties on ICJ ruling

BELGRADE - The government and opposition parties in Serbia agree in their assessment that the ruling passed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which decided to drop the mutual genocide suits filed by Croatia and Serbia, opens the doors to the search for a solution left over from the war in the territory of former Yugoslavia.

Tadic: Russia-West agreement could solve Ukrainian crisis

KIEV - Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDS) leader Boris Tadic has met with Ukrainian officials in Kiev to discuss possible solutions to the Ukrainian crisis, noting that that the solutions can only be found through an agreement between Russia and the West that takes the interests of both sides into account.

Govt. seeks to criminalize participation in wars abroad

Govt. seeks to criminalize participation in wars abroad

BELGRADE -- The government will discuss amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure that would treat participation of Serbian citizens in wars abroad as a criminal act.

Serbian Minister of Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić announced this in an interview for the Belgrade-based daily Danas.
