UN Court

RS to hold referendum after Constitutional Court decision

A referendum will be held in the Serb Republic (RS) in Bosnia-Herzegovina on the Bosnian Constitutional Court's decision regarding the marking of RS Day.

The court last week ruled that the day, January 9, cannot be a state holiday because it is also a Serbian Orthodox feast and patron saint day (slava).

Bosnian Serbs Plan Challenge to Constitutional Court

Leaders of all Republika Srpska's main political parties agreed on Sunday to ask the Bosnian Serb National Assembly to initiate a referendum asking people if they support the recent decision by the Constitutional Court to abolish the annual Republic Day holiday celebrating the entity's foundation.

Turkey's opposition decries arrests of journalists, say detention ordered by President Erdo?an

Turkey's left-wing opposition has strongly condemned the arrest of two prominent journalists on charges of assisting terrorists, with the leaders of both the Republican People's Party (CHP) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) arguing the "unlawful" decision was personally imposed by President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an.

Turkish journalist faces eight years in jail for 'insulting Erdo?an'

An Istanbul prosecutor has demanded up to eight years and two months in jail for Today's Zaman's editor-in-chief, Bülent Kene?, for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an on social media and in his statements. 

The indictment was prepared upon complaints by the lawyers representing the president. 
