UN Court

Argentine ex-leader Menem convicted, again

Argentine ex-president Carlos Menem was convicted on corruption charges on Dec. 1, but as with a previous arms trafficking sentence he will escape prison time thanks to his immunity as a senator.

Menem, Argentina's president from 1989 to 1999, was convicted of masterminding the illegal overpayment of high-ranking officials' salaries.

Bosnian Croats, Serbs Unite Against Foreign Judges

Bosnian Croat parties have joined their counterparts in the country's Serb-led entity Republika Srpksa in calling for the immediate reform of the Constitutional Court.

They are calling for the three foreign judges on the nine-member court to be removed permanently, saying that it gives the international community too much influence over constitutional rulings.

Kosovo, Serbia Failing to Implement Normalisation Deal

The failure to implement the agreements negotiated so far is causing continued hardship for both Albanians and Serbs living in Kosovo, says the report published on Tuesday by the BIG DEAL initiative which involves BIRN Kosovo, Internews Kosova and the Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture from northern Mitrovica.

Sofia City Court Acquits Ex-Deputy Parliament Speaker of all Charges

Sofia City Court (SGS) acquitted the former deputy speaker of the Bulgarian parliament, Hristo Biserov, of all three charges brought against him on Tuesday.

Biserov was charged with tax evasion, undeclared currency deals and undeclared bank accounts held in Switzerland, but was found innocent.
