US government

Nearly 1 million sign petition to prevent Trump’s entry into Britain

Nearly 1 million people have signed a petition urging Britain to withdraw an invitation for U.S President Donald Trump to visit London and dine with Queen Elizabeth. The petition was started before British Prime Minister Theresa May extended the invitation for a “State” visit to Trump last Friday, which means he would come by invitation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Fatah and Hamas to form unity government


According to Al Jazeera, the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority has agreed to form a unity government with rival organisation Hamas.


The two organisations will form a new National Council. The plan is to include Palestinians in exile and then hold elections.


It should be noted that the Islamic Jihad group was also included in the negotiations.

US pastor imprisoned in Turkey with no evidence from the authorities!


Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham and Pastor Saeed Abedini, a former American hostage in Iran, are two of the prominent names who are rallying behind Pastor Andrew Brunson, a U.S. citizen held in a Turkish prison who was recently denied his appeal for freedom.

