US intelligence

Photos of shrapnel at Manchester Arena bombing (photos)

The bomber in the Manchester terrorist attack appeared to have carried a powerful explosive in a lightweight metal container concealed either within a black vest or a blue Karrimor backpack, and may have held a small switch in his left hand, according to preliminary information gathered by British authorities.

Vucic: William Walker is Greater Albania lobbyist, "Racak case" was a fabrication

William Walker with his hands in his pockets conducting a so-called "investigation of the massacre". Walker refused to allow representatives of the Serbian media to be present during his "investigation process" and personally selected the teams of reporters who could accompany him

Russian MoD: US always has "irrefutable proof" to justify aggression

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

The US has no convincing evidence that the Syrian government was behind the alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib, the Russian Ministry of Defense said, denying a CNN report claiming the US had intercepted Syrian military communications proving this.

Unated States Has 'No Doubt' the the Regime of Assad is Responsible For the Chemical Attack

The United States has "no doubt" that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for last week's chemical attack on a rebel-held town that left dozens dead, Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said Tuesday, reported AFP.

Trump son-in-law Kushner to face Russia investigation panel

Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top aide Jared Kushner will appear before a Senate panel investigating Russian interference in the US election, the White House said Monday.

Kushner, 36, was Trump’s main intermediary with foreign governments during the 2016 election campaign and now plays that role in the White House.

Putin considers sending Snowden back to US

Russia could return Edward Snowden to the US as a “gift” to President Donald Trump, according to two US intelligence sources cited by NBC News on Friday. One unnamed official, who NBC said gleaned information from “a series of highly sensitive intelligence reports,” said such a move could be an attempt to “curry favor” with the Trump administration.

Netherlands: Ballots will counted by hand to avoid cyber foul play

According to a Dutch Minister, authorities will count by hand all the votes cast in next month’s general elections, in order to avoid the possibility of a cyber attack.

Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk said in a letter to parliament on Wednesday that he can not rule out that state actors may try to benefit from influencing political decisions and public opinion in the Netherlands.
