US intelligence

Everything changes now: A man sent to Serbia heads US national intelligence services

"I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence," the US President Donald Trump tweeted.
The US President thanked Acting Director of Intelligence Joe Maguire, who has been in office since August.

Donald Trump: We also Killed al-Baghdadi's Most Likely Heir

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the US military has killed the man who was most likely to succeed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as leader of the Islamic State, BNR reported.

"Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's number one replacement has been terminated by American troops," Trump wrote on Twitter, adding: "

Action Involving Russian and American Planes over the Black Sea (Video)

The US has accused Russian military of dangerously intercepting a US-based airplane EP-3E Aries in the international airspace over the Black Sea by a Russian Su-27 fighter.

An incident report was published by the US Navy press service in Europe and Africa on Monday.

On 5 November 2018:

CIA "hid reports about massacres committed against Serbs"

Analyst Robert Spencer told Vecernje Novosti daily in an interview - commenting on the newspaper's recent discovery of the role of US intelligence officials in hiding reports about crimes perpetrated against Serbs in Podrinje (along the Drina River), said the Saudi authorities had a huge impact on the state apparatus in Washington.

Should we listen to President Trump or the diplomats?

As Greece finds itself faced with a wide range of challenges - from Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean to its relationship with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and developments on the Balkan peninsula - it would be useful to have a clear idea of Washington's strategic objectives regarding these issues.

Is North Korea Secretly Continuing its Nuclear Programme?

BBC - Reports that North Korea is continuing its weapons programme, despite pledges to denuclearise, have cast doubt on its sincerity in peace talks.

The recent reports, based on US intelligence leaks, suggest the country is still upgrading its nuclear enrichment sites, among other activities. So what's actually going on?
