US State Department

Kiev Accuses Moscow of Having 7500 Troops Deployed in Ukraine

Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak has claimed 7500 members of the Russian armed forces are present in his country, "preventing" Kiev from stabilizing the situation in the Donbass.

On Saturday Poltorak issued a statement reading that "unfortunately the stabilization of the situation in the east of Ukraine does not depend only on us."

Kosovo Jihadist Makes State Department Terror List

Muhaxheri - who sparked outrage in both  Kosovo and Albania in July, when he posted a photograph on Facebook of him allegedly beheading a young man - is one of a list of ten individuals and two organizations who has been listed as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under the US President's Executive Order 13224.

North Korea Sentences US National to 6 Years Hard Labor

North Korea has sentenced a US national to six years of hard labor for "hostile acts", the state-run KCNA news agency has reported, Sunday.

Matthew Miller was arrested in April for violating his tourist status in the country. The authorities have not specified the exact charges, but said he tore up his visa and demanded political asylum, the BBC informed.
