World Health Organization

Turkey warns against China travel after outbreak

Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Turkey on Jan. 27 urged its citizens not to travel China unless it is necessary.

"It is highly recommended that our citizens do not travel to China unless it is necessary and if they travel there, they should stay away from the regions where the [coronavirus] cases are seen, especially in Hubei province," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Second City in China Introduces State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus Outbreak

The dangerous coronavirus continues to spread. A second city in China imposed a state of emergency in an attempt to stem the spread of the infection. After Wuhan, an urban city of 6 million, stopped traffic and planes, and residents were urged not to leave, he said.

There are currently 17 coronavirus deaths, with a total of 570 infected in several countries.

Chinese Snakes are the Source of the Deadly Coronavirus

The Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra  may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter, CNN reported.

Bungarus, also known as Taiwanese or Chinese krait, is a highly venomous snake species found in much of central and southern China and Southeast Asia.

Turkey Installs Thermographic Cameras at Airports as Precautionary Measure against the New Coronavirus

Turkey has prepared thermographic cameras and other precautionary measures against the spread of the new flu-like coronavirus, but there are currently no cases or patients at risk, the Health Ministry said.

The number of the death cases has increased to 9 with 440 confirmed cases.

Turkey finalizes preparations against coronavirus: Health minister

Turkey has completed its precautions against the new flu-like coronavirus even though the country does not carry the risk of a possible outbreak, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has said.

Speaking in an interview with state-run Anadolu Agency, the minister said that no patients carrying the coronavirus have been detected and the country does not carry the risk.
