Angela Merkel

Senior member of Merkel's bloc resigns over Greek bailout

A senior member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative bloc announced Tuesday he was stepping down in a dispute over the government's response to Greece's debt woes.

Peter Gauweiler, a well-known euroskeptic and outspoken critic of euro bailout funds, said he was quitting both his seat in parliament and his position as his Bavaria-based party's deputy leader.

Bulgaria's PM Not Invited to Victory Day Celebrations in Moscow

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has not received an invitation to participate in the celebrations in Moscow, which will commemorate the 70thanniversary of Victory Day on May 9.

It is expected that Heads of State or Government and ministers from all over the world will gather in Moscow to witness the military parade of the Russian army, daily Trud reports.

Greek govt to brief opposition parties at 8 p.m. Monday

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is briefing Parliament on Monday on developments concerning the negotiation with Greece's creditors. On Sunday, he asked Parliamentary Speaker Zoi Konstantopoulou to conduct a plenary session at a political leaders level at 8 a.m based on code 142A of the constitution.
