Carmen Dan Negotiations to start on position on regulation on European Border and Coast Guard

EU ambassadors on Wednesday agreed on a European Council's negotiating position on a regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard; on the basis of this mandate, the Romanian presidency of the Council will start negotiations with the European Parliament, Romania's Interior Ministry (MAI) reports in a press statement. agreement reached on immigration liaison officers

Romania's Interior Ministry (MAI) has reported that representatives of the Romanian EU Council presidency and the European Parliament reached an informal agreement on a regulation to improve the functioning of the European network of immigration liaison officers.

Romania's Presidency at EU Council and EP reach informal agreement on directive facilitating authorities' access to financial information

Representatives of Romania's Presidency at the EU Council and those of the European Parliament (EP) reached an informal agreement on Tuesday regarding a directive proposal establishing the norms facilitating authorities the access to enforce the financial information law, in view of preventing, uncovering and investigating certain offenses. Dan: Solution to migration is transposition of EU states' solidarity into a legislative mechanism

The solidarity of the European Union member states must rapidly be transposed into a mechanism with legislative power, this would be the solution to the migration phenomenon, Minister of Interior Carmen Dan stated on Thursday. Justice, Home Affairs ministers come to Bucharest to attend JHA informal reunion

The Justice and Home Affairs ministers with the EU member states will attend 6 to 8 February 2019, in Bucharest at the Palace of Parliament an informal reunion in context of the exercising by Romania of the presidency of the EU Council, the files on terrorism, migration and asylum, along with the Schengen, ways of developing the judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters being among t

PNL's Orban: Hearing of Toader, Dan in EP reveal Government's tremendous credibility issue

Chairman of National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban is critical of Minister of Interior Carmen Dan and Justice Minister Tudorel Toader's hearings in the European Parliament, saying that their statements have embarrassed Romania. Dan: We will act for a prosperous, safe, united and closer to the citizens Europe

AGERPRES special correspondent Tudor Martalogu reports: The Romanian Presidency at the Council of the European Union will act for a prosperous, safe, united and closer to the citizens Europe, but one that will also be an important actor at global level, Interior Minister Carmen Dan stated on Wednesday when presenting the priorities of the home affairs area in the Committee on Civil Liberties, J UPDATE PM Dancila: It is important to show European citizens that EU institutions work for them

Europe has always known to overcome obstacles and be born again after the less fortunate episodes in history, PM Viorica Dancila said in Strasbourg on Tuesday, adding that "it is important to show the European citizens that the EU institutions work for them." PM Dancila: It is important to show European citizens that EU institutions work for them

Europe has always known to overcome obstacles and be born again after the less fortunate episodes in history and today we are in a complex moment of the European construction process, however any situations of this kind can be turned into opportunities, PM Viorica Dancila said on Tuesday, while presenting before the European Parliament gathered in plenary session in Strasbourg the priorities of
