Desislava Atanasova

GERB: "We Continue the Change" are Amateurs, it's their Time to Leave

"There is no need for any evidence that MPs are being bought", Desislava Atanasova from GERB told BNT. "A government and its survival to be a matter of dealings in parliament seems to me the height of ugliness that can happen in political life", she said and urged "We Continue the Change" (WCC) "amateurs, time to go".

GERB will not hold Talks on Supporting a Government in this Parliament

"GERB-SDS will not conduct any talks to support a government within this parliament with any mandate", the chairwoman of the parliamentary group Desislava Atanasova told journalists on the sidelines of the National Assembly. "We believe", she pointed out, "that it is right to have early parliamentary elections as quickly as possible".

GERB at the Consultations with the President: If We are given a Mandate, We will Return it

President Rumen Radev has begun consultations with representatives of parliamentary groups in the 47th National Assembly to hand over a mandate to form a new government within the current parliament. He welcomed the representatives of GERB for talks.

GERB proposes: Either Deputies with COVID Certificates or All Sectors Work without them

After the Presidential Council in the 47th Parliament postponed the decision on Tuesday, the access to the National Assembly to be with the so-called green certificates for COVID-19 (for vaccination, disease, negative test or antibodies), today the GERB-SDS parliamentary group proposed two options - MPs to oblige the Minister of Health to include the parliament building in the order with anti-e
