Edi Rama

Albanian Telegraphic Agency: Albania, regional leader for attracting foreign investment

TIRANA, Feb 12 /ATA/ – The government’s pro-business climate reforms and its position as an important gateway for south-eastern European and Balkan countries have helped Albania to attract around 13 percent of the foreign investments volume in the region.
Foreign direct investments (FDI) to surpassed one billion dollars in 2017, while the FDI inflow is expected to be higher in 2018.

Albanian PM insists Cham claims must be put on the table

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that the issue of Cham rights remains one of the thorniest problems in talks between Athens and Tirana.

Speaking on Albanian TV, Rama dismissed recent remarks by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias according to which Greek and Albanian officials are not discussing the Cham issue.

Albania Ruling Party Moves to Toughen MPs' Immunity

Albania's ruling Socialist Party has been criticised over a proposal that would oblige the prosecution to submit incriminating evidence to parliament before an MP can be stripped of immunity and arrested.

Critics say the change would undermine the rule of law and endow parliament with powers that should rest with only with the courts.

Russia calls out Albanian PM on "Greater Albania ambitions"

Recent by Albanian Prime Minister Albania Edi Rama are "fully in accord with the widespread Greater Albania ambitions."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said this in a comment by the Information and Press Department "regarding statements by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the Macedonian parliament passing the Law on the Use of Languages."
