Mihajlo Pupin

Day of Slovenian-Serbian Friendship to become official next year

Ljubljana – Several associations hosted a Day of Slovenian-Serbian Friendship at Fužine Castle in Ljubljana featuring Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia, and his spouse, Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia. It was announced at the event that 12 June would probably be formally declared the Day of Slovenian-Serbian Friendship next year.

Legal framework to encourage charity

She also assessed on Wednesday that this is the best example of cooperation between the Serbian government, civil society organizations and private companies.

At the opening of the Philanthropy Festival in Belgrade, Brnabic recalled that charity is in the tradition of the Serbian people and gave examples of Mihajlo Pupin, Ilija Milosavljevic Kolarac and Djordje Weifert.

Serbian mathematics students pick up handful of medals

It would not be wrong to say that Team Serbia has won a world championship this year after all - the high school students' showing in Cluj overshadowed their peers from bigger, economically more developed countries, showing that Serbia is not without reason the homeland of scientist such as Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, Milutin Milankovic, and Mileva Maric.

New Bridge's Grave Look Upsets Belgraders

The opening of a new bridge across the Danube in Belgrade has been spoiled by a row over the black marble panel commemorating the event, which looked remarkably like traditional gravestone - and has since been removed.

The stone was built by the Chinese and brought to Serbia as a gift, the Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure, explained.

2014 - year of Mihajlo Pupin

BELGRADE - The year of 2014 has been declared the year of Mihajlo Pupin (1854-1935), a world-renowned scientist, innovator and a great Serbian patriot.

Pupin was born on October 9, 1854, in Idvor, to a Banat rural family, which had ten children.