Nikola Jovanovic

Siege of Budva: Police on every corner, arrests like in America, breaking glass VIDEO

Special units and police patrols are located at almost every city intersection, Sputnik reporter informs. The main highway is blocked for traffic, and the police are redirecting vehicles so that it is not possible to pass through Budva to Jaz and further in the direction of the Bay of Kotor.

Party wants full OSCE observer mission for Belgrade election

Serbian National Assembly President Maja Gojkovic will be formally asked in the coming days to request OSCE's monitoring of the local elections in Belgrade.

The People's Party (NS) Vice President Nikola Jovanovic announced this in a written statement, adding that the proposal has been formulated in cooperation with the Movement of Free Citizens.

Serbia Eyes Benefits of Scrapping Visas with China

Serbia's proposal that China and Serbia abolish visas between the two countries could lead to a boom in tourism to Serbia, former Serbian ambassador to China Slobodan Unkovic said.

"If this proposal passes, combined with the proposal to open Belgrade-Beijing flights and a Belgrade-Shanghai link, it could lead to the major boost in Serbian tourism," Unkovic told BIRN on Monday.

"Conflict between Turkey and Russia greatest risk"

As a country and region "we are in the eye of a hurricane, politically and geographically between two monumental crises dramatically changing our way of being."

This is what the program director CIRSD - the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) think-tank - Nikola Jovanovic wrote in an opinion piece published by Belgrade daily Politika.
