Nikolay Denkov

Bulgaria will Lose BGN 70 Million from the EU for Education and Science

BGN 70 million will be lost and 4 months will be the delay of the Operational Program "Science and Education" in its part for construction of top scientific centers - the Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev summarized the problems in the program. He gave a report to parliament in front of two committees - EU funds and education and science, BNT reported.

Education Minister Unveils Anti-Aggression Plan

Education and Science Minister Nikolay Denkov on Monday unveiled an interdepatmental Plan for Agression Prevention and Better Security at the education institutions.

Denkov said ''We can expect that school aggression will end when becomes a fact in society. This, however, will not take place very soon, so we must take measures.''

Ministry of Education and Science to Present Draft Amendment to the Law for Development of Academic Staff

 Minister of Education and Science Nikolay Denkov will present today the long-awaited draft amendment to the Law for Development of academic staff, according to BNR.

 The text will be published on the website of the Ministry and there will be provided a special chapter concerning plagiasm in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria to Lose EU Money over 'Irregularities' in Education OP

Bulgaria's Education Ministry has said the country will certainly be imposed a "financial correction" by the European Commission over the way Operational Program Science and Education for Smart Growth (SESG) has been managed so far.

Sofia officials will hold talks with Commission representatives to determine the amount of money Bulgaria will have to lose.

Euro Funds for Science, Education To Be Frozen Due To Irregularities Under Kuneva's Management

Operational Programme Science and Education for Intellectual Growth may be halted and intermediate payments have been frozen temporarily.

This became clear after an inspection of the programme by the European Commission in October 2016 which discovered several irregularities in its management.
