Nikos Dendias

Minor traffic offenders to get plates back for Easter

As is customary at around this time of year, drivers who have had their permits or license plates confiscated by police for minor offenses will be able to reclaim them before Easter.

A decision by Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias means that plates or permits confiscated before April 15 can now be claimed by drivers.

Failure to back new legislation could lead to 'disaster,' conservative ministers warn

Faced with dissent within coalition partners New Democracy and PASOK ahead of a crucial parliament vote on a multi-bill expected to take place this weekend, Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias on Thursday warned that failure to approve the legislation could lead to “disaster.”

ND MP Giakoumatos attacks government, retains immunity

New Democracy MP Gerasimos Giakoumatos (photo) launched an outspoken attack on the government and Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias in particular on Wednesday as he fought to prevent his parliamentary immunity being lifted in connection to a tax offense allegedly committed at a retirement home run by his wife and brother.
