Sonny Corleone

‘The Godfather’ star James Caan dies at 82

James Caan, the tough-guy U.S. actor best known for playing tragic and hot-tempered gangster heir Sonny Corleone in "The Godfather," has died aged 82, his manager said on July 7.

Caan, who also had roles in "Misery," "Thief" and "Rollerball," received an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a mafia family's eldest son in Francis Ford Coppola's 1972 classic "The Godfather."

Street Musician Delighted Andy Garcia in Sofia with Music from 'The Godfather'

Hollywood star Andy Garcia was pleasantly surprised during a walk near the National Theater in downtown Sofia - a street musician who regularly plays the popular song "Parla piu piano" (from Italian "Speak Quietly") from the film trilogy "The Godfather".