Tony Blair

Oops! We got it wrong

Major wars, along with scientific and technological inventions, have shaped the course of history. The world has witnessed two major wars within a generation and several small ones in the twentieth century, which has been the most destructive era so far. Despite the pain and suffering they cause, armed conflicts continue to ravage the world.

Australian Parliament champions return of Parthenon Marbles

Greek Parliament may not have a special committee for the Friends of the Parthenon, but Australian lawmakers do! On Wednesday, Australian Opposition Leader Bill Shorten joined more than 60 Australian MPs and leaders of the New South Wales community to launch the Parliamentary Friends of the Parthenon group.

Tony Blair warned Libyan dictator Gaddafi to find safety

‘If you have a safe place to go then you should go there’ Former Prime Minister of UK Tony Blair said to Muammar Gaddafi on the phone when his regime began to collapse.

The conversation between Mr Blair and Gaddafi was made public as part of the latest emails released from when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State in response to a freedom of information request.
