Tony Blair

U.S. message: "Pristina has the right not to accept territorial changes, but then..."

It is also said that "if Albin Kurti is not interested in the Washington agreement, then that agreement is dead."
As Bolton points out, the important question is what attitude the Biden administration will take towards the Balkans in relation to Trump, but also that Washington is currently dealing more with domestic issues than with foreign policy.

World leaders remember Prince Philip

Current and former world leaders joined a chorus of condolences from around the world following the death of Prince Philip on April 9 at the age of 99.

Here are some reactions:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hailed Philip's "extraordinary life", sending his condolences to Queen Elizabeth after her husband's death was announced.

Tony Blair Denies Involvement in Kosovo Project

After Hashim Thaci announced that he had a meeting with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair earlier last week, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change said on Tuesday that Blair met the Kosovo President in a personal capacity. 

"Mr. Blair has known President Thaci for a long time and met him in a personal capacity," the Tony Blair Institute told BIRN in a written response. 

The Guardian: May's Brexit Deal is Already Doomed. Here's How the Christmas Meltdown Could Play Out

 It was a funeral masquerading as a baptism. In Brussels, Theresa May's Brexit deal was welcomed into the world by the UK's 27 soon-to-be-ex-partners and the priesthood of the European commission, The Guardian reported .
