Veliko Tarnovo

Covid-19 in Bulgaria: 97 Died of Coronavirus, 7,1 Percent of Tests Positive

The coronavirus statistics from the Single Information Portal in Bulgaria in the last day is very worrisome. There are almost 100 people who died from the dangerous infection in the country in 24 hours, and there are also quite a few newly infected. Here's what the figures show:

Number of PCR and antigen tests made - 11,576

Newly infected in the country - 832

1,850 Schools in Bulgaria Are in Flu Vacation in a total of 21 Bulgarian Regions

Twenty-one Bulgarian regions have been affected by this season's flu outbreak and 1,850 schools and two kindergartens have suspended classes, said the press office of the Ministry of Education and Science.
As of today, a flu epidemic has been declared in the regions of Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo, Vratsa, Plovdiv, Silistra and Sliven. Schools will be closed until 5 February.

New Cases of Lyme Disease and Marseilles Fever in Veliko Tarnovo

New cases of lyme disease and marseilles fever are registered in the area. Patients are from the municipalities of Elena and Veliko Tarnovo and were admitted in the period from 5th to 11th August. This was reported by Radio "Focus" - Veliko Tarnovo, referring to the information from the Regional Health Inspectorate. Both are being treated in hospitals.
