Hundreds of People Ran Yesterday in the Boris' Garden for the Wings for Life Cause


Hundreds of people gathered on May 6th, in the Boris' Garden Park, where they ran to symbolically support people with vertebral disabilities in the Wings For Life Run global campaign for a second in a row year.

At 14:00 Bulgarian time residents and guests of the capital ran together with thousands of adherents around the world to show sympathy for the cause of finding a remedy against vertebral disability. For the first time this year, enthusiasts from Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas and Veliko Tarnovo joined and participated in locally organized events of the same cause.

People in wheelchairs and others were ready to compete with a virtual car-hunter from the special application that measures the result in a global database.

The event in Sofia turned into a double sports event - the good mood was complemented by celebrating the birthday of one of the ambassadors of the campaign - the ultramarathon Krasi Georgiev who had a birthday on this day. Countless seconds before the virtual start at 2 pm o'clock, players sang "Happy Birthday". With his participation in the race, Paralympic champion Georgi Kiryakov celebrated his name day.

In addition, other popular faces of the campaign were running in the Boris Garden - Snezhana Makaveeva, Nevena Bozukova, Veso Ovcharov, Vladi Gyurov and Evgenia Kuseva.

Apart from Sofia, a lot of people in Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo supported for the first time the cause with organized races.

Wings for Life is a foundation founded in 2004 by Dietrich Mateschitz and the two-time world motocross champion Heinz Kinigandner. It finances research institutes to find a cure for vertebral disabilities affecting more than 3 million people traumatized worldwide and 130,000 new patients each year as a result...

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