Yannis Stournaras

Stournaras: Let's not return to the policies of the past

Economic growth will be the key that will help strengthen social cohesion, Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras told the Delphi Economic Forum Sunday.

Stournaras reiterated that Greece must persist with reforms, market opening, new technologies, education and its linking with the job market and, above all, must never return to the failed policies of the past.

Stournaras: Polakis recorded our conversation without my consent

Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras today told Athens lower court prosecutor Haralambos Mastrantonakis that he is convinced that Alternate Health Minister Pavlos Polakis surreptiously recorded their conversation when Polakis called him following reports that the Bank of Greece was probing a 100,000 euro loan that the minister was given by Attica Bank.

Editorial: Red alert for the economy

Yesterday's meeting between Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras just two days before the European Commission's report on the Greek economy reveals the government's concern over the problems that lie ahead, the most important of which is the looming problem of  non-performing loans (NPLs) that has burdened the banks and the economy in general.

PM's office backs minister, digs at central banker

The prime minister's office on Tuesday responded to the alleged taping of central banker Yannis Stournaras by Alternate Minister Pavlos Polakis, saying it has always respected the independence of the Bank of Greece "even when its governor has expressed different views on crucial issues of economic policy."
