Yannis Stournaras

Greek bank shares hit by external factors, central bank chief says

A drop in Greek bank shares was caused by external factors, not the health of the country's banks, the governor of the Bank of Greece said on Wednesday.

Greek banking stocks have lost more than 40 percent so far this year, and the selling pressure grew in recent days. Analysts blamed the European Union's conflict with Italy over its proposed budget.

Stournaras says Greece has 'a long way to go' after exiting bailout

Greece still has 'a long way to go' to fix imbalances in its economy and problems in the functioning of the state after the country officially exits its latest bailout program on Monday, the country's central bank governor said in an interview with Kathimerini, published on Sunday.

Stournaras says markets will punish Greece if it backtracks

The markets are waiting to see whether Greece remains committed to its promised reforms after the bailout program ends on August 20, and will punish the country if it backtracks on its pledges, central banker Yannis Stournaras warned in an interview with the Financial Times published on Tuesday.

Greek central bank pledges financial assistance to fire victims

The Bank of Greece announced on Thursday it will donate five million euros to help people affected by the deadly wildfires of 23 and 24 July that killed at least 83 people in Attica and assist in reconstruction efforts.

The central bank said it convened an extraordinary meeting of its general council at the request of its Chairman, BoG Governor Yannis Stournaras.
