Zeljko Bojic

Body of drowned man pulled from Ibar River, north Kosovo

ZVECAN - The body of a drowned man, believed to be a 17-year-old Kosovo Albanian, was recovered from the Ibar River near the village of Grabovac in the municipality of Zvecan in northern Kosovo-Metohija on Tuesday.

Kosovo Police Regional Operations Chief Zeljko Bojic told Tanjug that the body was found by a water rescue dive team on Tuesday.

MP of Srpska List Velimir Rakic dies in traffic accident

LEPOSAVIC - Velimir Rakic, an MP of the Srpska List in Kosovo's parliament, died in a severe car accident that took place in Leposavic in northern Kosovo-Metohija on Wednesday evening.

Rakic died in the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica after suffering fatal injuries in the crash between his car and a freight vehicle.

Two injured in incident in Kosovska Mitrovica neighbourhood

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Two people suffered minor injuries in an incident that took place in northern Kosovska Mitrovica's Brdjani neighbourhood on Wednesday.

Two men - an ethnic Albanian and a Serb - were lightly injured in an incident that involved another Serb man, regional Kosovo police chief Zeljko Bojic said.
