Doctor murdered in her office in northern Kosovo town

(Image made from video, B92)

Doctor murdered in her office in northern Kosovo town

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- A 29-year-old doctor was murdered in her office late on Monday in the local healthcare center in Zubin Potok, a town in northern Kosovo.

The woman, Dusanka Andrejevic, was brought to the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica with no vital signs, and attempts to resuscitate her failed, head of the Healthcare Center in Kosovska Mitrovica Milan Ivanovic told Tanjug.

He explained that the doctor received bullet wounds to her large blood vessels and quickly bled to death.

A 28-year-old suspect, V.N., was placed under arrest last night. A pistol was found it his possession believed to have been the murder weapon, regional police official Zeljko Bojic said.

According to Bojic, the motive for the murder was most likely "jealousy." The police official drew this conclusion from the fact the victim and the suspect had been, "for a time," in a relationship.

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