
Macedonia Sacks VMRO DPMNE Lobbyist as US Consul

Macedonia's government on Tuesday stripped Jason Miko, a public champion of the former ruling VMRO DPMNE party, of his title as honorary Macedonian consul in the US state of Arizona.

Until it closed in mid-2017, Miko was a regular columnist for one of the most prominent Macedonian dailies, Dnevnik, in which he defended the policies of the then ruling party.

Residents of Arizona will be Able to Pay their Taxes in Bitcoins

Arizona may become the first US state, residents are expected to soon be given the opportunity to pay their taxes in bitcoins and other cryptocurrency. The Daily Express announced that the bill was passed by the Senate last week. This bill received the support of 16 senators, 13 of whom voted against, and the document was adopted.

Nissan Begins Public Robo-Taxi Trials Next Year

Four years ago, Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn set an aggressive goal by saying the company would produce self-driving cars by 2020. In retrospect, Ghosn might have been underselling Nissan's technological chops, as it just announced public trials of robo-taxis to commence next year.

The self-driving taxi service is called Easy Ride, and the trials will be conducted in Yokohama, Japan.

Bill Gates Bought a Large Plot of Land in Arizona to Build a Smart City of the Future (Video)

One of the Investment Companies, owned by Bill Gates, made USD 80 million worth of investment in land which is 45 minutes away from Phoenix, Arizona. It is a desert location with the conditional name Belmont, which in the future will become an innovative city of the future, reports kaldata. 

Varoufakis tells Macron to adopt the “empty-chair” tactic

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis supports Macron’s federalist proposals on the euro single currency but believes only a real threat could make Germany budge on the issue.

More than fifty years ago, in 1965, French President Charles de Gaulle withdrew his ministers from the Council of the EU, de facto vetoing all decisions.
