
Young woman has no vagina! (video)

Choosing to engage in or abstain from sex sounds like a simple enough proposition for most people. But imagine if you did not have the option, not because of impotency but due to a lack of sexual organs! Kaylee Moats, 22, from Gilbert, Arizona, was born with Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser syndrome (MRKH), which means she has no cervix, uterus, or vaginal opening.

Bikini Coffee Shop: The coffee isn’t the only thing that’ll perk you up at this cafe (15+1 HOT PHOTOS)

A coffee shop has a bikini dress code that the female boss claims is “empowering” but a city councilman has argued exploits women.

The uniform sees the women don bikinis or underwear, with some choosing to simply have colorful stickers over their nipples, as they serve coffee from a stand in Washington.

Trump fires longtime Greek-American aide over poor rally turnout, report says

George Gigicos has been removed as Donald Trump's rally organizer, Bloomberg reports claiming that the US President was allegedly upset at the crowd size and TV coverage during last week's rally at Phoenix, Arizona.

The Greek American, a contractor to the Republican National Committee, had been one of the four longest-serving political aides to the president.

Trump promises government shutdown to build Mexico border wall

United States President Donald Trump on Aug. 22 promised to shut down the U.S. government if necessary to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

"If we have to close down our government, we're building that wall," Trump said in a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. "We're going to have our wall. The American people voted for immigration control. We're going to get that wall."

Trump: Kim Jong-un Begins to Respect the United States

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday in Phoenix, Arizona, that his aggressive rhetoric aimed at North Korea is working, and that his colleague, Kim Jon-un, "starts to" respect the United States. Reports Mediapool. 

"Some said it was too much, but it was not enough," Trump told a rally in front of thousands of his supporters."
