
Court confirms plagiarism in renowned Turkish author's novel

A court has ordered renowned Turkish author Elif Şafak and Doğan Publishing to pay a total of 252,000 Turkish Liras ($8,320) in damages to Mine Kırıkkınat for copying her work.

The case was brought to light by Turkish author Kırıkkanat, whose work "Fly Palace" was copied by Şafak in her "Flea Palace."

Qatari businessman gives away three cars to celebrate Erdoğan's election victory

A Qatari businessman vowed to give away three new cars as gifts to celebrate Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's election victory while suggesting to rename his country's traditional camel races as "the Erdoğan race," Turkish daily Yeni Şafak reported on June 27. 

20,000 Turkish students suspected of fraud in postgraduate entrance exam: Report

The Ankara Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into claims that answers to 16 Turkish postgraduate study entrance examinations were stolen and distributed to sympathizers of the U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, pro-government daily Yeni Şafak reported on Dec. 19.

Our conversation with God

Once a bestselling novel about spiritualism, the title of this short article is now Turkey's search for religiosity vs. secularism and personal beliefs vs. political triumphs. But the reason is a sober one. Since the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, Turks from all walks of life have started questioning the role of religion in public and political life.
