1st millennium BC

Teen injured in hit-and-run in northern Greece

A 12-year-old boy was injured when his bicycle was hit by a passing car in the city of Naousa, central Macedonia.

The incident took place on Tuesday night, according to state-run news agency ANA-MPA. The boy was transferred to the Ippokratio Hospital in Thessaloniki for treatment, although it was not clear what his injuries were.

Local police is investigating the incident. 

Police identifies seven suspects in Thessaloniki shooting incident

Seven men were identified by the Greek Police's Security Division in Thessaloniki as being implicated in a shooting incident in the northern city of Thessaloniki on December 2019.

The four Greek nationals, aged between 34 and 68, could face charges of forming a criminal gang and violating gun laws. The file will be submitted to a prosecutor on Thursday.
