Alexander Rodchenko

Loaned Russian paintings stuck in Seoul due to sanctions

Dozens of paintings by renowned Russian artists are stuck in Seoul after an exhibition due to flight sanctions imposed over Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, organisers said Monday.

The paintings by around 50 Russian artists, including Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, and Alexander Rodchenko, among others, have been on display in central Seoul at the Sejong Museum of Art since December.

Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum presents Russian avant-garde

The Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum - Dilek Sabancı Gallery in the southeastern province of Mardin, restored by the Sabancı Foundation upon the late businessman Sakıp Sabancı's will and transformed into a museum and art gallery, is hosting the exhibition "The Russian Avant-garde. Dreaming the Future Through Art and Design."