
A fossil flower trapped in Amber had a mistaken identity for 150 years

Eva-Maria Sadowski, a postdoctoral researcher at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, didn't have a particular agenda in mind when she decided to borrow the biggest fossil flower preserved in amber ever found.

"I did it without any expectations, I just did it because I was curious," she said.

‘Whale vomit’ worth 10 mln liras seized in Turkey’s south

A man in the southern province of Mersin has been detained for trying to sell some 43 kilos of ambergris, roughly called "whale vomit," with a price of 10 million Turkish Liras ($736,000).

Ambergris, a solid, waxy and flammable substance of a dull grey or black color produced in the digestive system of sperm whales, is used extensively by the perfume industry.

99 million year-old bird found inact! (video)

Researchers in Myanmar have found a 99 million year old bird encased in amber – but don’t expect the discovery to be the beginnings of a Jurassic Park-style resort.
Scientists from China’s University of Geoscience mined the three-inch specimen – the most complete ever found from the Cretaceous period – in the Hukawng Valley in the north of the country.

Amber Rose’s sun burn

Amber Rose follows in Kim Kardashian’s footsteps, uploading a steady stream of photos on Instagram.


On Friday, she uploaded a couple of images to show off her new attempted tan, which turned into a sun burn.


Amber Rose in a movie, showing off what she’s got

Amber Rose, luscious and curvy model is the main focus of her new movie, “Sister Code”. The model plays the role of Lexi, one of three sisters who chase their dream for a better life.


The 31 year-old Amber appears with sexy lingerie, once more advertising her sexy curves and busty… disposition.