
STEPHEN THE GREAT AND HOLY COMMEMORATION/ St. John the Baptist Church of Piatra Neamt

This is a masterpiece of religious architecture during the lifetime of Stephen the Great, a combination of rectangular planes, semi-circular vaults, tri-lobe planes and a belfry erected above the nave. Built on July 15, 1497 - November 11, 1498, the church has been preserved almost intact, with the exception of the paintings.

Meireles sports his Blue Mosque tattoo during World Cup training

Portuguese midfielder Raul Meireles has shown his newest tattoo, featuring the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, during a recent training for his team’s upcoming game at the World Cup in Brazil.

The former Chelsea and Liverpool player now calls Turkey his home, as he plays for Turkish football giants Fenerbahçe. 

BLOG: Before converting Hagia Sophia, look at the mosque-cathedral of Cordoba

The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba and the Hagia Sophia of Istanbul – both magnificent buildings – were victims of the geopolitical standoff of medieval times and the egos of the new conquerors who wanted to certify their victories and assert their religious superiority.

Muslim group prays in front of Hagia Sophia

A large group of people, who demand Istanbul’s monumental Hagia Sophia to be turned into a mosque again, gathered in front of the museum in the early hours of May 31, before offering their morning prayer there. 

Anatolia Youth Association (AGD) had made a call for the event that came at a time when several radical groups have been discussing the status of the museum. 
