
According to a UN Report in 2018, 12,000 Children Were Killed or Injured in Armed Conflicts

A record number of more than 12,000 children were killed or injured in armed conflict last year, the UN reports.
Most children have been killed in Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria and Yemen, according to a UN report cited by the BTA.

Wiesel Institute: New mass grave in Popricani, additional argument that Holocaust existed in Romania

The unearthing by a team with the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania (INSHR) of a new mass grave in the Vulturi forest of the Popricani commune in the northeastern County of Iasi is an additional argument that the Holocaust existed in Romania, on Friday said the head of the INSHR, Alexandru Florian.

Holocaust Museum to be built in area administered by Grigore Antipa Museum

Director of the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania (INSHR) Alexandru Florian on Friday voiced confidence that the Museum of the History of the Jews and the Holocaust in Romania will be built in the space under the administration of the Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History in Bucharest.

Merkel insists on high primary surplus targets

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared opposed Wednesday to any potential change to Greece's economic reform program, signaling the difficulties that center-right Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is likely to face in fulfilling his pre-election pledge to bring down the country's high targets for primary budget surpluses and create the necessary fiscal space to deliver on promised tax cuts.<

Greek reforms in line with bailout requests, say gov't sources

Greece will implement a series of reforms which are in line with what has been agreed with its creditors, government sources said Wednesday, responding to a comment by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Speaking at a news conference with Finland's prime minister, Merkel said she agreed with eurozone finance ministers that no change was needed to Greece's bailout program.
