
Komercijalna bank, B92 Fund make another donation

Komercijalna Banka and Fund B92, united in the Together for the Babies campaign, have made a valuable and important donation to the maternity ward in Kladovo.

The donation consists of a CTG machine and a delivery table. This maternity ward performs about 110 deliveries a year and previously had only one delivery table, that was more than 40 years old.

Albanian party from south ready to be part of government

"We have been a parliamentary party since the 1990s and have always been in opposition - we think it's now time to be a part of the Serbian government."

This is what Fatmir Hasani, an official of the Party of Democratic Action (PDA) representing ethnic Albanians from southern Serbia, told B92 TV late on Tuesday.

B92 Fund women's empowerment project presented in Amsterdam

The UN Trust to End Violence against Women (UNTF) on April 25 began marking 20 years of its work and giving grants to organizations from around the world.

The meeting in Amsterdam organized on this occasion, was addressed by representatives of the UNTF, the Dutch government, the country's civil sector, and those of the social enterprise SeeMeOrg and B92 Fund Director Marija Cecen.

Free examinations in early skin cancer detection campaign

Eucerin Serbia and the B92 Fund, with the support of the Serbian Ministry of Health, are organizing free dermoscopic examinations for all interested citizens.

These will take place as part of a project for early detection of skin cancer - Pregled za sve ("examination for all") - on April 22 and 23, at Belgrade's Republic Square, from 09:00 until 21:00 CET.

Ex-president accuses govt. of creating "deceptive bubble"

The government is creating an unrealistic picture, a bubble that will burst, opposition SDS party leader and former Serbian President Boris Tadic has said.

"I would completely change the investment policy in Serbia, I would apply the method that already brought results," he told B92 TV in an interview late on Wednesday.

Jeremic thanks government for backing his top UN job bid

Serbia officially has a candidate for the post of UN secretary-general. Vuk Jeremic on Tuesday thanked the Serbian government for supporting his candidacy.

In his reaction to the news, Jeremic told TV B92 it was a great honor and privilege to represent his country "in this kind of international competition." He also promised to do his best best representing Serbia.

Serbians favor close Russia ties, don't want NATO and EU

As many as 71.6 percent of respondents in a new B92/CeSID poll think that Serbia's membership in the EU and in NATO would not be good.

At the same time, more than 55 percent think Serbia should "traditionally stick with Russia" - and the number of those who support this policy is constantly growing. A little over 19 percent disagreed, while 21.5 percent are undecided.
