
Thessaloniki man charged with illegal possession of firearms

Police on Thursday found an arsenal of illegal weapons in the home of a 79-year-old man in the Thessaloniki suburb of Kalamaria in northern Greece.
The man was arrested and was to appear before a Thessaloniki prosecutor for the illegal possession of a Scorpion machine gun, four magazines and 132 cartridges.

Two policemen in hospital after Athens eviction attack

Two police officers were being treated at an Athens hospital on Monday after being attacked in the course of an eviction in the downtown neighborhood of Aghios Panteleimonas.

One of the officers was cut with a sharp object and the other was splashed with nitric acid when they helped a bailiff execute an eviction order against a hoarder in a ground-floor apartment on Lemesos Street.

Athens prosecutor opens probe into trigger-happy publisher

An Athens prosecutor has ordered a preliminary investigation into an incident on Wednesday involving a publisher firing a gun in the air to scare off a court bailiff who had come to serve him papers at his newspaper's offices.

The purpose of the prosecutor's probe is to ascertain whether Stephanos Chios threatened the bailiff and whether he violated gun laws.

Bulgarian MPs Allow Lenders to Demand European Distraint Orders

Lawmakers in Bulgaria have passed legislation giving creditors the right to ask courts to issue a European distraint order for debtors' assets.

The order can be demanded before the debt litigation has been filed with a first-instance court.

Full and partial refusal to issue such an order can be appealed according to the newly-adopted provisions, Focus News Agency reports.

Bulgaria's Interior Minister Arrives at TV7 Building to Defuse Tensions

Bulgaria's Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova has arrived at the headquarters of private TV7 channel in Sofia to try to defuse tensions heightened by heavy police presence in the building.

Earlier on Wednesday a bailiff entered the building to seize TV7 equipment citing a court order. Reportedly, the ground for the bailiff's actions was litigation.

Bulgarian Private TV7 Channel Could Stop Broadcasting as Bailiff Enters Media

Bulgarian private TV7 channel could stop broadcasting as a bailiff entered the building of the media on Wednesday.

The bailiff is attempting to take out the TV equipment of the media, which would result in it from broadcasting.

There are people outside the building, who had been hired to help with the removal of the TV equipment.
