Boko Haram

UNICEF: Boko Haram Kidnapped more than 1,000 Children in Nigeria

The Boko Haram terrorist group has kidnapped more than 1,000 children in Nigeria since 2013, UNICEF said, quoted by CNN. On April 14, Nigerians commemorate the kidnapping of hundreds of pupils from Chibok. The case angered the public. Later, after the army intervened, hundreds of the girls were returned. However, jihadists continue this year with their attacks and assaults.

A Suicide Bomber Took the Lives of 14 Worshipers in a Mosque in Nigeria

14 worshipers were killed in a suicide attack in a mosque in Nigeria, near the border with Cameroon, local volunteer militias said and were quoted by AFP. The jihadist, probably from the Boko Haram group, exploded among the worshipers in a mosque in Gamboura about 5:00 am this morning, just before the morning prayer. The mosque is completely destroyed, according to eyewitnesses.

Deaths From Terrorism Decreased Between 2015 and 2016, Continuing a Decline From a Peak Reached in 2014

Between 2002 and the end of 2016, eight of the world's nine regions experienced an increase in terrorist activity, according to the 2017 Global Terrorism Index report produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace.

North America was the only region to see a decline.
