Boris Nemtsov

Detained Suspects Could Be Nemtsov Killers - Russian Officials

The two men arrested over the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov could have carried it out, the Investigative Committee of Russia has said.

A statement [RU] on its website follows the official report that two Russian citizens from the Caucasus were arrested over their alleged involvement in what Russian authorities suggest might have been "a contract killing".

Latest from Russia: The murder and the Ukraine Crisis

The current scene in Russia is quite chaotic and hectic. On the one hand, Moscow is dealing with the Ukraine crisis. On the other hand, it is shaken with the recent assassination of Boris Nemtsov, one of Russia?s prominent opposition leaders.

In order to understand what is going on in the country, I had an in-depth conversation with Russia?s Consul General to Istanbul, Alexey Erkhov.

Nemtsov's Girlfriend 'Received Death Threats'

Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya, who was accompanying Russian oppositioner Boris Nemtsov when he was murdered, claims to have received death threats, prosecutors say.

Duritskaya, a key witness in a murder investigation against Nemtsov, lodged a claim with the country's chief prosecutor's office on Thursday, March 05 and is currently under police protection.
