Branches of biology

Council of Europe: Harassment, Violence, Acute Staff Shortage Plague Bulgarian Psychiatric Wards and Care Homes

Council of Europe anti-torture Committee urges Bulgaria to stop physical ill-treatment of psychiatric patients and social care residents and to immediately cease the shameful practice of using chains as a means of restraint

Bulgarian Medical Union: We Call on People Not to Take Advantage of e-Referrals for Free PCR Tests


The system for issuing electronic referral forms for free PCR tests is aimed mostly at helping patients and then  doctors, said Vice President of the Bulgarian Medical Union (BMU) Dr. Nikolay Branzalov at the presentation of the novel software.

"As of today, electronic referrals are available. I thank all doctors and experts who took part in software development," he said.

Joe Biden Fractures Foot after Slipping While Playing with His Dog

American president-elect Joe Biden has fractured his right foot after slipping while playing with his dog Major.

The injury was discovered in a scan on Sunday and will likely require him to wear a boot for several weeks, his doctor said.

Biden suffered the injury on Saturday and visited an orthopedist in Newark, Delaware, on Sunday afternoon, his office said.
