Cinema of the United States

Sylvester Stallone was Admitted to the Bulgarian Government Hospital in Sofia

Sylvester Stallone, who is in Bulgaria for filming his latest film, was at the Government Hospital for medical examination. The actor is fine and continues his work on his new project - Rambo 5.

The news was confirmed by the head of the New Boyana Cinema Center, Yariv Lerner, but without further details.

Skai TV journalist falls victim to violent burglary

A 27-year-old journalist was attacked by a burglar while in her home with her 2-year-old child in the southern Athens suburb of Glyfada.

The woman, who works for Skai TV, said that she was putting her child to sleep when the burglar entered her home and hit her over the head with a heavy object before tying her up with a sheet and gagging her with tape.

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson slam Greek institute for using actor's name without permission

Actress and singer Rita Wilson accused a company called Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (HICD) of fraud, after it used the name of her husband, actor Tom Hanks, to promote an event where the award-winning actor would allegedly be honored for his work.

Wilson clarified that Hanks never signed or agreed to be in any way involved in HICD or the event they promote.

Lanthimos's 'The Favourite' wins jury prize at Venice Film Festival

Yorgos Lanthimos's "The Favourite," an absurdist period comedy about two cousins courting the favor of Queen Anne in 18th century England, has won the jury prize - essentially the silver medal - at the 75th Venice Film Festival.

Olivia Colman won best actress for her role as the queen.

UPDATE: Stallone Returning to NU BOYANA Film Studios in Bulgaria for 'Rambo 5'

Omega Underground has been keeping an eye on progress for the upcoming shoot for Sly Stallone's Rambo 5 aka Rambo V: Last Blood. We recently revealed they've hired Get The Gringo director Adrian Grunberg to takeover directing duties from Stallone.
