Claude Monet

Pranksters Bury Fake Picasso in Romanian Forest

A Romanian-born Dutch writer who thought she had found Picasso's missing Harlequin Head has revealed that she was the victim of an elaborate hoax.

Mira Feticu wrote a book on the sensational theft of seven masters from the Kunsthal in Amsterdam in October 2012, which was named the "theft of the century" for its daringness.

Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi is Going to the Louvre Abu Dhabi

Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi is going to the new Louvre Abu Dhabi, the art gallery tweeted on Wednesday.

But there's still no public information on who purchased the painting at the record-setting auction in November, when the controversial artwork went for $450.3 million US at Christie's, making it the most expensive painting ever sold.

Romantic landscapes of Felix Ziem at Pera Museum

Pera Museum's "Félix Ziem: Wanderer on the Sea of Light" exhibition presents the works of one most original landscape painters of the 19th century: Félix Ziem.

The exhibition focuses on Ziem as an artist who left his mark on 19th century painting and who is mostly known for his paintings of Istanbul and Venice, where the city and the sea are intertwined. 

Five Monet paintings sell for $84 million in London

Five paintings by French impressionist Claude Monet, including his famous 1908 "Le Grand Canal" view of Venice, sold for a total of $84 million (73 million euros) in a London auction on Feb. 3.
"Le Grand Canal", a hazy blue-and-green view of the banks of the Italian city painted at the peak of Monet's career, sold for $35.6 million (31.4 million euros).
