
Weather in Bulgaria: Mostly Sunny, Rain expected in the Afternoon

In the morning hours today, there will be reduced visibility in places in the lowlands and valleys. It will be mostly sunny during the day. After noon, there will be temporary increases in cloudiness over the mountainous regions in Western Bulgaria, and in some places there will be rain and thunder. There will be light, in the eastern areas, to moderate wind from the east.

Weather in Bulgaria: More Sun and Less Rain on the Last Day of May

The minimum temperatures will be between 10°C and 17°C, and the maximum - between 21°C and 27°C, in Sofia - around 22°C.

Sunny weather will prevail before noon. Around and after noon, cumulus clouds will develop in the western half of the country, and mainly there will be precipitation and thunder. Hail conditions remain. A light wind will blow from the east-northeast.

Weather in Bulgaria: Sunny, in some places with Rain today

Maximum temperatures will be between 22°C and 27°C, in Sofia - around 22°C.

Again, cumulus-rain clouds will develop in many places in Bulgaria and there will be precipitation and thunder. Hail is also expected. There will be almost no precipitation in the western and central regions of the Danube Plain. A light wind will blow from the east-northeast.

Weather in Bulgaria: Cloudy with Rain today

Visibility will be reduced in places in the lowlands and hollows this morning.

Clouds will be significant, cumulus and cumulus-rain, and there will be short-lived, temporarily intense rain showers and thunderstorms in many parts of Bulgaria. The conditions for hail also remain. It will blow weak, in Eastern Bulgaria - to moderate wind from the north-northeast.

Weather in Bulgaria: Code Yellow for significant Thunderstorms and Hail Conditions in 5 areas

A yellow code for significant rainfall with thunder and hail conditions has been announced for today in the areas of: Lovech, Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Targovishte and Razgrad. In some areas, rainfall amounts will reach 30-35 mm.

Chaos in Serbia is coming in two hours

Also, as stated, thunder is possible.
RHMZ stated that until the end of the month, changeable cloudy and unstable weather is expected with occasional showers and thunderstorms, which may locally be expressed by a large amount of precipitation.
For this reason, the RHMZ has activated a yellow weather alarm that is valid for the territory of the entire country.

Weather in Bulgaria: Fog, Sun, Rain and Thunder today

In the morning hours, there will be reduced visibility in some places in the plains and valleys. It will be mostly sunny before noon, but around and after noon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop and there will be rain showers and thunderstorms in many places. A light northeast wind will blow.

Weather in Bulgaria: Warmer with possibility of Rain Showers

The minimum temperatures today will be from 8°C to 14°C, and the maximum - between 23°C and 29°C.

It will be sunny before noon. After noon, cumulus-rain clouds will develop in Eastern Bulgaria and the mountainous regions, and short-term rain will fall in many places there. A light to moderate northeasterly wind will blow.
