
Weather in Bulgaria: Almost No Rain Today, Temperatures will reach 35°C

Maximum temperatures will be between 29 and 34 degrees Celsius, in Sofia around 29°C. It will be mostly sunny. After noon, mainly over the mountainous regions, it will be cloudy, but only in isolated places it will rain and thunder. The wind will be oriented from the east-northeast, it will be weak.

Weather in Bulgaria: Rain in the Eastern and Mountainous Regions

Sunny weather will prevail over most of the country today. Cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop mainly in the afternoon hours over Eastern Bulgaria and the mountainous regions, and in some places there will be rain and thunder. A light to moderate wind will blow from the north-northwest. The maximum temperatures will be between 27°C and 32°C, in Sofia - around 27°C.

Weather in Bulgaria: Mostly Sunny with Temperatures between 23°C and 28°C

Today the weather will be mostly sunny. Already in the morning, the precipitation will stop in the extreme southeastern regions, the cloudiness will decrease there as well. The wind will remain mainly from the northwest, it will be moderate. The maximum temperatures will be between 23°C and 28°C, in Sofia - around 23°C.

Weather in Bulgaria: Less Rain Today

Sunny weather will prevail today. Around and after noon, mainly over the mountainous regions, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop and in isolated places there will be brief rain with thunder. A light wind will blow from the north. Maximum temperatures will be between 26°C and 31°C, in Sofia - around 26°C.

Weather in Bulgaria: High Temperatures on the Last Day of the Work Week

It will be sunny before noon. In the afternoon, cumulus clouds will develop in places in Western and Central Bulgaria, but only in some mountainous areas will it rain for a short time.

A light wind will blow from the east-southeast. Hot weather with maximum temperatures mostly between 31°C and 36°C, in Sofia - around 31°C.

Weather in Bulgaria: Sunny and Hot today with Afternoon Rain Showers

Maximum temperatures in most areas today will be between 29°C and 34°C, in Sofia - around 29°C.

Sunny weather will prevail. Around and after noon, cumulus clouds will develop and in some places, mainly in the mountainous, northwestern and extreme eastern regions, short-term rain will fall, it is also possible to thunder. A weak, mostly northeasterly wind will blow.
