
We will be Able to See and Touch the First Bulgarian Building in Antarctica

A replica of the first Bulgarian building of Antarctica, built 30 years ago, will become part of the collection of the National Museum of History. This was announced today by the director of the museum, Associate Professor Bonnie Petrunova and the head of our Antarctic expedition, Hristo Pimpirev.

Open letter to the citizens and political leaders of the EU

In this period of economic recovery and relative stability, we Europeans are forgetting that not so long ago we stood on the edge of an abyss, and that our reality is still crippled by geopolitical and financial uncertainties, with record-high debt levels in Asia and America capable of triggering another worldwide economic crisis.

Turkey deploys scientists to Antarctica to upgrade status in treaty, conduct research

Turkey is set to deploy a large team of scientists to Antarctica, the world’s fifth largest continent, to assess the feasibility of establishing a scientific base in order to meet the criteria needed to upgrade its status from non-consultative to consultative party in the Antarctic Treaty.

How can you Visit the Newly Found Continent Zealand?

Adventurous travelers are most likely to boast stamps in passports from any continent, perhaps with the exception of Antarctica. The most fearless might include in their plans and travel to the icy land. But today scientists believe that the most ambitious travelers in the world already have eight continents to set foot on.

Scientists puzzled by giant mystery hole in Antarctica (photos)

A hole as large as Lake Superior or the state of Maine has opened up in Antarctica, and scientists aren’t sure why it’s there.
The gigantic, mysterious hole “is quite remarkable,” atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus, told me over the phone. “It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice.”

Turkish Professor Halıcı invited again to research in Antarctica

Turkish professor Gökhan Halıcı has been invited once again to Antarctica to conduct a scientific research on the categorization of lichen and bryophytes, state-run Anadolu Agency reported on Dec. 25.

Halıcı, who is the only Turkish scientist in the research, is expected to stay in a Czech research station for three months. 
